Crash Course in Electronics for Beginners!

- Entry part of electrical engineering at a University level (Part 1 of 2)

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Crash Course in Electronics for Beginners!

What You Will Learn!

  • Be able to analyze electrical circuits
  • Be able to solve electrical circuits of various forms
  • Be able to identify types of components in electrical circuits, and their specific behaviour
  • Be able to apply different solution techniques
  • Be able to design for resistors and other components in circuits
  • Be able to solve for current and voltages in a small and larger circuit
  • Be able to recognize type of circuits, and solve them mathematically


This course will explain the behaviour of certain electrical circuits as well as the tools to solve them and analyze them. The course starts early on DC analysis of circuits where Ohm's law is introduced along with examples. Later on in the course different examples will be given and different analyzing methods. Later on the student will get familiar with voltage and current sources, how to identify them and convert between them. And lastly the student will get some intensive lectures about different network theorems.

After each explanation about a theorem or how something works, a small lecture will be given in how to solve some quick examples related to that subject.

The course will contain mainly lectures on different topics mentioned above where the concept is explained and the theory. But the course will also contain different self study materials to further increase knowledge in the areas.

Course Content:

  • Ohm's law

  • Resistor circuits

  • Series and parallel connections

  • Kirchhoff's voltage and current laws

  • Nodal analysis

  • Power, Current and Voltage (definitions and calculations)

  • Dependent and independent current and voltage sources

  • Voltage and current division

  • Equivalent circuits:

    • Norton equivalent circuit

    • Thevenin equivalent circuit

After the course is finished the student should have good knowledge of common words used in the electrical engineering area, but also have ability to express and discuss topics in the area and solve them individually.
The course will give basic calculation examples for electrical engineers and other interested in the area.

(Bare in mind that this is the first part of the course in which the electrical topics are covered. The second part focuses on electrical networks and theorems as well as short circuits and larger circuits.)

Who Should Attend!

  • Intended for everyone that wants to learn more in electrical engineering in general. What is current, what is voltage and so on.. are few topics of many to be covered
  • Also intended and suitable for students in Univeristy, studying electrical engineering or similar concepts.




