in this course we will teach you , how to create an online casino website using several programming languages including, php , mysql , javascript . so some of the topics are as following :
1- networking:
including overall introduction to networking , definition of protocol and port numbers , computer structure , private and public ip addresses , tcp/ip networks, http and https protocol and some other concepts about networking .
2-Mysql :
we will explain the definition of databases and benefits of mysql , . what xampp and lamp are and how to install lamp on linux which includes apache, linux, mysql and php . after that we give an introduction about how to work with mysql in linux using cli or command line interface.
3- html and css :
in this module we will teach you almost everything you need to create the graphics of a website including almost all the tags in html , and how to use css to modify the appearance including margins, borders, padding , animation in css and many more topics that you could check in the module four of the course html and css .
4- creating a sign-up form using php and mysql
in this module we will give you an introduction about what php is and how to use php and mysql with each other . and then we use php and mysql to create a sign-up and register page . the graphics of this page has already been created using html and css in the earlier module , so in here we program it , we connect to database using mysql and we do various kind of validation including email validation using php .
5- javascript crash course
this module could be a complete separate course . we give you a complete introduction about javascript . what is javascript, what is DOM and how to access html and css using javascript are some questions which would be answered in this module. also eventhandlers , object and addeventlisteners which could listen for user events and do something based on the user code are some benfits of them .
6- creating roulette game using javascript
in this module finally we use everything we learned in previous module to implement our module and design a game using javascript.