Building a Professional Portfolio App with Angular

Unleash Your Creative Potential with Angular Development

Ratings 5.00 / 5.00
Building a Professional Portfolio App with Angular

What You Will Learn!

  • Angular fundamentals: Basics of components, templates, data binding, and services.
  • Angular CLI: Students will learn how to use the Angular Command Line Interface (CLI) to quickly scaffold and generate Angular projects and components. They will
  • Routing and navigation: Implementing navigation and handling routes.
  • Responsive design: Creating a mobile-friendly layout.


"Building a Professional Portfolio App with Angular" is a practical course that provides participants with the knowledge and skills they need to create impressive and engaging portfolio apps using the Angular framework.

In this course, I show you how to create a professional portfolio app. This is my real portfolio app that runs online, if you've ever visited my website. I explain how you can create a website like this to have your own brand and show the world your talent.

This is a practical course. In this course, I don't explain Angular, I implement the project from scratch and finish it in less than an hour. Once I'm done, you take control of the application and bring in your own brand.

That's the main goal of the course: to help you create your own website that you design to your liking by controlling the colors, layout, and every pixel of your online portfolio.

This is important for your online presence and your career. You need your own website to show the world your talent.

The course is well structured so that you have a clear understanding of what you will be developing, from the big picture to the individual components. This is also very useful for your coding practice as I teach you the architecture under the hood, among other things.

In this application, there is no connection to the backend because it is not necessary.

However, the application is built in such a modern way that we use a data layer that can easily be integrated into the backend in case you change your mind later.

This is also very useful if you want to expand your website. You simply add a new row in the data layer and it will be displayed on your website without you having to edit any files like CSS or HTML. For example, if you want to add a new project, certificate or something else.

In summary, you'll learn valuable professional and marketable production techniques and end up with your own product that you can publish to impress your clients and employers.

Join us on this transformative learning journey and unleash your creative potential with Angular!

Build your own brand and show the world your talent!

Have fun programming!

Who Should Attend!

  • Web developers: Developers who are already familiar with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and frontend frameworks but want to expand their knowledge by learning Angular and building interactive portfolio apps.
  • Angular beginners: Individuals who have some experience with frontend development but are new to Angular and want to learn how to use it to create portfolio applications.
  • Students and learners: Students studying web development or individuals who are self-learning and want to explore Angular and develop practical skills by building portfolio apps.
  • Designers transitioning to development: Designers who want to add coding skills to their repertoire and create their own portfolio apps using Angular.
  • Freelancers and entrepreneurs: Freelancers or entrepreneurs looking to create a professional portfolio app to showcase their work and attract clients or job opportunities.




