We do live in the times, where we all are required to do more in same or less time when before. Besides we are dealing with unprecedented number of distractions- mobiles, smart devices, variety of applications, instant news and etc. This overload of information and distractions creates unnecessary tensions and makes our everyday job tasks even more difficult to fulfil. Have you ever thought how wonderful it would be to work less but achieve more? Have you ever tried some productivity techniques, but failed to implement them? This course is offering you the collection of easy to do, fun exercises, that can boost your productivity, but at the same time they are exercising your creativity. Such approach is novel and easy to apply. The course do not require any heavy investment on your side-just few spare minutes and very basic tools or objects, that everyone can have in their home environment or in the office. You don’t need to listen to long complicated videos and do complicate and time-consuming exercises in order to be more productive. Productivity can be fun and playful, short and impactful. And that exactly what this course is all about. So come and join me for fun and exciting exercises, that will offer fresh approach to the productivity problem ?