Over 50% of traders lose money short term and up to 90% lose money long term. In this course we teach you how to beat the odds and trade professionally using our capital preservation strategy and institutional quantitative trading strategies to ensure consistent profits which you'll learn how to compound using a wealth plan.
According to Malcom Gladwell, it takes 10,000 hours to attain mastery in any skill. We have compressed our well over 10,000 hours of experience into this short course by filtering out all the things that don't work sustainably and presenting our learners with precise time tested strategies that produce sustainable results.
We cover from the very basics and walk a complete beginner to mastery. The course is laid out into four paths of detailed explanation covering the layout overview of centralized exchange; binance, the keys to a successful trading career, data analysis presented in a simplified way so that every learner can understand Fundamental, Sentimental and Technical Analysis. Lastly we share the time tested strategy edge used by institutional traders and of which we have used for an extended period, to preserve capital and generate sustainable profits and guide leaners on how to design a wealth plan for a prosperous financial future.