Cultivating A Healthier Relationship With Your Anxiety

Reclaim your life from anxiety, build confidence and live the life you want.

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Cultivating A Healthier Relationship With Your Anxiety

What You Will Learn!

  • This course gives you the tools, tips, and reminders to cultivate a healthier relationship with your anxiety and worry.
  • This course teaches you easy ways to remember how to navigate your life even though you suffer from anxiety.
  • In this course, I intend to help you learn how your mind works and how to develop new ways of responding.
  • I will also teach you how to manage your anxiety symptoms so they don't control your life.


Welcome to Cultivating a Healthier Relationship With Your Anxiety!

My name is Lisa Pepper-Satkin, a Licensed Psychotherapist and an Executive Therapeutic Coach. I've been helping people with anxiety for over 30 years. I know firsthand how debilitating anxiety can be, but I also know that it is possible to manage and live a full and happy life. In this course, I will share with you the strategies and techniques that have helped my clients overcome their anxiety.

This course gives you the tools, tips, and reminders to cultivate a healthier relationship with your anxiety and worry. Anxiety wants you to believe that any given situation needs an answer. It doesn't. It may not feel like it, but we must learn to trust that these feelings will pass. This course teaches you easy ways to remember how to navigate your life even though you suffer from anxiety.

In this course, I intend to help you learn how your mind works and how to develop new ways of responding. I will also teach you how to manage your anxiety symptoms so they don't control your life.

I know that you can do this! You can learn to live a whole and happy life with hard work and dedication, even with anxiety.

Let's get started!

Who Should Attend!

  • People who suffer from anxiety. This course is for you if you struggle with anxiety, worry, or fear. It will teach you how to understand your anxiety, develop new ways of responding, and manage your symptoms so they don't control your life.
  • People who want to learn more about anxiety. Even if you don't have anxiety, this course can be helpful for you if you want to learn more about the condition and how to help others who are struggling with it.
  • People who are interested in improving their mental health. This course can be a valuable resource for anyone interested in improving their mental health, regardless of whether or not they have anxiety.




