Cartoon animation sticker by photoshop with zero art-basic

Learn drawing cartoon animation sticker in photoshop, animation design, cute sticker making. very easy to draw the line.

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Cartoon animation sticker by photoshop with zero art-basic

What You Will Learn!

  • Making cute Cartoon sticker animation by Photoshop, And unnecessary basics of art.
  • Very convenient way to draw beautiful lines.
  • Master the principle of animation, you can make all kinds of animation stickers.
  • Become an independent animation creator and upload your own animation stickers on various platforms.


This is a very basic cartoon animation tutorial,It is very suitable for beginners and lovers of animation.

Very easy to learn cartoon animation making, how to design interesting animation, and the important animation law will help you to be a professional animator~

This course will explain every detail of designing animated textures in great detail, and provide my original files for everyone to download and study.

provide my original PSD file to you. you can download and reaserch them.

I will teach you how to make very interesting cartoon animation stickers by Photoshop, if you like to make animations, it is suitable for your entry-level tutorials, and using the animation skill from my course, zero-basic students can also learned.

When you finish my course, you will have the ability to independently create cartoon animation sticker and upload your stickers to social platforms.

Animated stickers are very interesting, if you learn it, you can share it with your friends on social platforms, if it is interesting, maybe your animated stickers will spread widely.

Even if it is not famous in the world, at least it is a very interesting fun for yourself, you can add a skill to yourself, this skill can be taught to your friends, your children, and make everyone happy together. And the threshold for animated textures is very low ~ most people can achieve it!

Who Should Attend!

  • Beginner Animator, or Cartoon Designer, Sticker maker



  • 2D Animation
  • Photoshop
  • Animation
  • Cartoon Drawing






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