Bike 2 Work (the ultimate guide for the best commute)

Save costs, get fit, lower your carbon footprint and more with this guide for preparing yourself to cycle to your work.

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Bike 2 Work (the ultimate guide for the best commute)

What You Will Learn!

  • What equipment they will need and how to prepare this equipment for the commute.
  • On the road repairs such as puncture repair
  • How to pack for your working day at the other side of your cycle
  • Choosing a safe route to work (route planing with maps and guides).
  • What are the methods of carrying things on your persons or on your bike.
  • Thinking clever, preparing for your cycle in the days before the cycle.
  • Being seen by other road users
  • Conflict management should you find yourself in an uncomfortable road rage situation
  • The bike to work scheme in the uk, what savings can I make?
  • Dealing with hygiene in the office
  • Where can i get third party insurance.
  • What are the common road signs and obstacles I will come over on my daily commute.
  • What types of bikes are available to cycle to work for the terrain i will be cycling on.


Cycling to work has loads of tangible benefits, including getting fitter, saving money and lowering your carbon footprint.  Not to mention the fact that you will see lots of wildlife and scenery you may not have noticed whilst in the car.

I am Jamie and I will take you through this course and I will go into great detail on every aspect of cycling to work at a practical level.  Like most things the key to success is in the preparation.   

Topics that are covered are as follows:

  1. Types of bike you may want to purchase

  2. Bike to work scheme (tax savings)

    1. savings for you

    2. savings for your employer

    3. the pitfall's that may occur.

  3. Clothing to wear

  4. Clothing to pack

  5. What to do with your bike to secure it

  6. Minor adjustments to

    1. saddles

    2. chains

    3. puncture

  7. How to be seen with lights, reflectors and high vis clothing

  8. What position you should take on the road and when

  9. How do you get insurance

  10. Conflict management

  11. Route planning and what is involved in getting about safety

  12. Road signage and how to research for what the signs are for your country

Cycling to work can be very rewarding, draw on my experience to make it as safe as it can be.

Who Should Attend!

  • Anyone who is interested in cycling to work as part of a mix of commuting methods.
  • Anyone who wants to cycle as part their mix of viable transportation needs.
  • Anyone who wants to get fitter, save on the cost of commuting and healthier as part of their daily routine
  • Anyone who has anxiety over taking the plunge but have always wanted to commute at least part of there work journey




