Dance & Flow Yoga For Tired Women - Spleen Energy

A Morning Dance Yoga Practice Rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine's Earth Element and Spleen Nourishment

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Dance & Flow Yoga For Tired Women - Spleen Energy

What You Will Learn!

  • Dance & Flow Yoga practice offers a wide range of physical, mental, and emotional benefits. It deepens your mind-body connection, enhancing self-awareness.
  • The combination of yoga postures and dance sequences leads to increased range of motion, to better posture and alignment.
  • Balancing poses and transitions help improve your sense of balance and coordination. This is essential for stability and body awareness.
  • Dance and Flow Yoga incorporates mindfulness and breath awareness. This can help reduce stress and anxiety, promoting relaxation and mental clarity.


Awaken Your Inner Flow with Sunrise Dance Yoga

A transformative journey into the heart of traditional Chinese medicine as we embrace the nurturing power of the Earth element and the vitalizing energy of the Spleen meridian. In this video experience the fusion of the wisdom of ancient healing practices with the fluidity of free dance and the serenity of yoga to create a harmonious start to your day.

Elevate Your Energy with Spleen-Centric Movements

Immerse yourself in gentle yet invigorating movements designed to stimulate and balance the Spleen meridian's energy. As we flow through flowing sequences, mindful stretches, sun gazing and grounding poses, you'll enhance your digestion, boost your immunity, and cultivate a sense of stability within. Discover the seamless blend of dance and yoga.

Witness the Magic of Sunrise and Elemental Connection

As the sun gracefully rises, we'll synchronize our movements with the Earth's awakening energy. You’ll connect deeply with the Earth element, inviting its nurturing embrace to guide your practice. Through  breathwork and fluid free dance, you'll experience a profound sense of rootedness and alignment with the world around you.

Guided by TCM Principles

The course is based on Chinese medicine principles. Learn how to support your Spleen energy with the breathing, self-care practices, and mindfulness techniques that resonate with the Earth element's wisdom.

Leave Refreshed, Balanced, and Connected

This sunrise dance yoga experience goes beyond the mat, leaving you invigorated, balanced, and more attuned to the rhythms of your own body and the world. Whether you're new to traditional Chinese medicine or a seasoned practitioner, this course invites you to embrace the transformative power of movement, energy, and connection in the embrace of the rising sun.

Join us for a soul-nourishing sunrise dance yoga session that celebrates the beauty of Earth, the vitality of the Spleen, and the magic of a new day. Reconnect with your body, elevate your spirit, and dance your way into a harmonious morning.

Who Should Attend!

  • Dance & Flow yoga classes incorporate music to enhance the rhythm and movement. If you enjoy practicing yoga to music, you might find this aspect appealing. Approach the course with curiosity and a willingness to learn new things.




