Data Visualization Principles to Improve your Dashboards

Established and Easy-to-Implement Recommendations – from Static PowerPoints to Interactive Dashboards

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Data Visualization Principles to Improve your Dashboards

What You Will Learn!

  • This course is for the participants to gain an overview of the most important and impactful rules for good Information Design and Dashboarding. Adhering to these rules, we provide real customer examples and specific cases where see the rules are being implemented in practice.
  • By the end of the course our participants will be able to design presentations and dashboards based on state-of-the-art Data Visualization Concepts. The course structure is based on our Data Visualization Poster which is available for download.
  • This method combines online education with a physical format. You can place the poster in your office for visual memory and to motivate your colleges to also take advantage of the contents.


Data visualization is the key for making abstract data visible. However, it is no rocket science and anyone can learn how to do it. When heeding certain principles and adapting recommendations carefully, any target audience will be convinced about the great possibilities data visualization is offering. 

In this course you will learn about the most important and impactful rules for good for Information Design and Dashboarding. Thus, getting a better understanding of how state-of-the-art reporting and dashboarding works. 

You will learn how to optimize your presented information in order to making the communicated content easier to understand. Numerous implemented customer examples will round off the course.

Who Should Attend!

  • The ideal participant for this course is an analyst, a controller, a business intelligence user or anyone creating presentations, reports or working on dashboards.



  • Business Intelligence
  • Data Analysis
  • Data Visualization
  • Presentation Skills






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