De-escalation for Workplace Violence

How to Calm Anyone Down Before Violence Occurs

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De-escalation for Workplace Violence

What You Will Learn!

  • Understand the importance of de-escalation and the role it can play to deflect potential instances of workplace violence
  • Learn the technique of deflecting the energy of confrontation rather than directly countering it
  • Learn why it's important to seek the "win win" solution in any confrontation
  • Learn to read the behavioral signs of potential escalation so you can head it off before it occurs
  • Understand the power of empathy to calm upset individuals
  • Learn how to use questions and paraphrasing to lead a confrontation to a calm resolution
  • Understand the importance of posture and presence and to use them to your advantage in a confrontation
  • Learn techniques for assuring your own personal safety and to increase your situational awareness
  • Learn the three types of people you are likely to encounter in a confrontation


Welcome to our online course, "De-escalation for Workplace Violence." We are a successful risk management, security, and safety firm with decades of experience in dealing with workplace violence incidents.

In today's dynamic work environments, effectively managing and de-escalating confrontational situations is essential for maintaining a safe and productive workplace. This course is designed to equip you with the communication tools and strategies necessary to defuse tense situations and prevent potential acts of violence.

Throughout this course, we will explore various key concepts and techniques to promote peaceful resolutions and ensure the safety of all parties involved.

We emphasize the importance of seeking a "win-win" solution that addresses the concerns of both your agency and the confrontational individual.

We cover the "verbal judo" concept, which involves using strategic communication techniques to redirect and diffuse hostile energy toward more constructive outcomes. You will learn how to recognize and respond to behavioral and verbal cues that may indicate escalating aggression, allowing you to intervene early and prevent violence.

Empathy will be a central theme throughout the course as we explore the power of understanding and acknowledging the emotions of the confrontational individual. You can build rapport and create a foundation for peaceful dialogue by expressing empathy and actively listening to their concerns.

Effective communication strategies, such as asking questions and seeking to understand the underlying issues, will be emphasized as essential tools for resolving conflicts and finding workable solutions.

Students taking this course will learn the importance of controlling their own emotions and avoiding confrontational language or behavior that could exacerbate the situation.

By the end of this course, you will have the knowledge and skills to effectively de-escalate confrontational situations and promote a workplace culture of respect and safety. Our course curriculum has been designed by our in-house subject matter experts based on their own experiences in the field and with standard de-escalation methodology.

Let's work together to create a safer and more harmonious work environment for everyone.

Who Should Attend!

  • Security personnel
  • Anyone who serves as a gatekeeper or who works directly with clients and customers
  • Supervisors, managers, or authority figures
  • All employees, as these skills would be useful for anyone who must potentially interact with upset individuals in the workplace




