How to Deal with a Narcissistic Relationship

Move past these toxic relationships!

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How to Deal with a Narcissistic Relationship

What You Will Learn!

  • Better understand what a Narc is
  • Discover skills to start to cope
  • Understand what a happy, healthy relationship actually looks like.
  • Know key tools to rewire your “Relationship-Culture” so you don’t keep repeating the same patterns over and over
  • Have the keys to overcoming the codependency that keeps you in these kinds toxic interactions and relationships
  • Heal the Cycle of Self-Denial!
  • To transform your inner “bully” into a supportive inner “coach”
  • Learn tools to find your “Self-Culture” so that you can heal from the toxic relationship


How to deal with a NARC!

How to recover and heal from dealing with a narcissistic relationship

What is a Narc?

What is their behaviour?

Why does it matter that we have Narcs in our lives?

What are the skills we need to start the healing process if we have been abused by a Narc?

Narcissistic personality disorder, also known as NPD, is a personality disorder in which the individual has a distorted self image, unstable and intense emotions, is overly preoccupied with vanity, prestige, power and personal adequacy, lacks empathy, and has an exaggerated sense of superiority.

An interview with Victoria on what is a Narc, what to look out for Red Flags that another might be an Narc and more....

What you will learn:

You will learn:

  • The effects of being the child of or in a relationship with a traumatic narcissist
  • Tools  to find your “Self-Culture” so that you can heal from the toxic relationship
  • Tools to rewire your “Relationship-Culture” so you don’t keep repeating the same patterns over and over
  • The keys to overcoming the codependency that keeps you in these kinds toxic interactions and relationships
  • The anatomy of a good boundary! How to draw them and stick to them
  • Ways to overcome the big 3: Guilt, Anger and Shame
  • How to transform your inner “bully” into a supportive inner “coach”
  • Ways to create a new normal so that you can thrive and live the life you were meant to live!

So here are a few signs you are dealing with a Narc:

They have:

  • - Little or no Empathy
  • - They have a sense of Entitlement
  • They have little or no Remorse
  • They are very Deceptive
  • Two Faced or also known as Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
  • They don't fight fair.... they use Rational, Emotional, Physical, Financial, Sexual means for Battering for Control

We'll help you better understand what it is you're facing

What you should do to move foward

Who Should Attend!

  • Anyone that has experience in living with a Narc!
  • Anyone who wants to help someone recover from dealing with a Narc



  • Self-Esteem
  • Toxic Relationship Coping






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