Based on the United Kingdom National Decision-Making Model, the aim of this course is to enhance the delegates decision making process so that the mission of policing is delivered with improved emphasis on the values of the organisation.
We are going to examine the National Decision Model as is often the case at first glance it might appear complicated however when explained in a step-by-step way hopefully it will be pretty straight forward. If we consider the steps involved in brewing a cup of tea, there are about 10 steps and it would take a lengthy blog to detail them, however, we can all make a cup of tea very quickly despite the lengthy process. It is the same with the National Decision Model, people trained to use it make almost instant decisions following its principles, and it provides the ability to rationalise decisions which in a world where Police decision making is being more frequently challenged is a useful advantage.
You may ask, “What is a decision”, this seems an obvious question, however it is the mental processes resulting in the selection of a course of action from among several alternative scenarios. Every decision-making process produces a final choice. The output can be an action or an opinion of choice.