The ability to present technical information clearly and effectively is vital to the ongoing careers of software developers, engineers, software architects and those in similar roles. In addition many tech entrepreneurs face challenges as they share their ideals with potential clients and investors.
Audiences may vary from fellow team members to those with no technical background at all.
The challenges of sharing knowledge which is so engrained within us, to others with a wide range of knowledge and interests, can be enormous and can be a challenge that the technical person is often badly prepared for.
This course assumes no previous experience in presenting, only that there will be a need to present something based on technical knowledge.
In this course you will discover how to create a technical presentation that effectively meets the right goal for you and your audience.
Subjects covered include
Why a good presentation isn't just replicating a good written document
How to establish the right content, and what to leave out
How to create an effective slide deck
What to do when you want to use code in your slides
When to use jargon and when to avoid it
How to structure your material so that your audience can easily follow you
Advanced presentation structures for flexible delivery
How to engage with your audience
Effective handling of questions
How to prepare effectively