Demand Planning 101.1 Managing through crisis

Unlock the Secrets to Effective Demand Planning and Propel Your Career to Success

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Demand Planning 101.1 Managing through crisis

What You Will Learn!

  • Students will understand the roles and functions of a Demand Planner
  • Students will understand the importance of historical and current data accuracy
  • Students will learn about business limitations and strengths and apply this to demand forecasting
  • Students will understand the drivers to successful Demand Planning


Discover the Path to Mastery in Demand Planning: Unlock Your Potential!

Are you ready to take your demand planning skills to new heights and stand out as a leader in your field? Welcome to our comprehensive Demand Planning Course, where we delve into every aspect of this critical discipline. Through a carefully curated series of modules, we'll equip you with the knowledge and tools to become a demand planning virtuoso.

In Module 1, we'll lay the foundation with Historical Data. Learn the art of extracting insights from accurate historical data and how it informs your current decisions. Discover the secrets to understanding your customers' order patterns and when to spot anomalies in Module 2 - Customer.

Module 3 - Logistics is a game-changer! You'll gain valuable insights into how lead times impact demand planning and when to address anomaly impacts to ensure seamless business-as-usual operations.

Facilities play a crucial role in demand planning, and Module 4 will teach you how to work within the limitations imposed by your facilities effectively. In Module 5 - Measurement, we will explore how understanding the outputs of different functions and processes can boost your demand planning activities.

Module 6 - Operations will empower you with in-depth knowledge of operational elements, enabling you to master Total Manufacturing Periods (TMP) and make timely adjustments. And that's not all – in Module 7, you'll discover the art of balancing full-time employees and engaging casual labor, ensuring your workforce matches demand perfectly.

Module 8 - Asset Management will unravel the mysteries of machine operation capacities and their conversion to labor units. Finally, in Module 9 - Communications, you'll learn the importance of early communication for planning requirements, ensuring you're always one step ahead of changes, perceived or actual.

By enrolling in this course, you'll emerge as a demand planning guru, adept at navigating the complexities of this dynamic field. With a more structured approach to demand planning, you'll stand out amongst your peers and accelerate your career to new heights. Seize this opportunity to unlock your potential – join our Demand Planning Course today and revolutionize your professional journey!

Who Should Attend!

  • This course is designed for students wanting a challenging career within a business supply chain




