Design Thinking For Project Success

Avoid common project management failures by constructing a loop between you and the users of your products and services.

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Design Thinking For Project Success

What You Will Learn!

  • Avoid common traps that result in projects running late, over budget, and failing to meet original intentions.
  • Follow the example of companies like IBM, Tesla and Apple to apply Design Thinking to product and service design.
  • Make products and services human centred, truly making a valuable improvement in users' and customers' lives.
  • Apply Design Thinking to projects even in a culture where Design Thinking is misunderstood.
  • Distinguish between Design Thinking and related approaches to projects like Lean Startup and Agile.
  • Recognize situations where project goals need to be better understood before detailed project plans are initiated.


“We’re living in a world right now where disruption is constant and the pace of change is unrelenting.  We can’t simply manage what is known, we actually have to lead into the unknown.”  Sara Kalick, Leadfully VP and General Manager

The faster the world changes, the less likely the assumptions made at the beginning of a project will survive to the end.

Design Thinking is an ideal tool for cultivating the flexibility and awareness to keep projects on track to produce something truly useful.

Who Should Attend!

  • Anyone who leads projects as an entrepreneur or within an organization.



  • Project Management
  • Design Thinking






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