Designing Sustainable Water Treatment Plants

Mastering Wastewater and Water Treatment Plant Design: From Concepts to Practical Application

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Designing Sustainable Water Treatment Plants

What You Will Learn!

  • Fundamental Concepts of Wastewater and Water Treatment
  • Screening and Grit Chamber Design
  • Primary Treatment Plant Design
  • Trickling Filters and Slow Sand Filters Design
  • Waste Stabilization Ponds Design
  • Rapid Sand Filter, Sedimentation Tank, and Sludge Design


Course Description:

Embark on a transformative journey into the world of wastewater and water treatment plant design with our comprehensive course, "Mastering Wastewater and Water Treatment Plant Design: From Theory to Application." Tailored for undergraduate civil or environmental engineering students, as well as professionals and enthusiasts alike, this course is designed to provide a thorough understanding of key components and processes crucial to effective water management.

Course Highlights:

  1. Introduction to Water Treatment:

    • Explore the fundamentals of wastewater and water treatment, understanding the importance of responsible water management in mitigating environmental impact.

  2. Screening and Grit Chamber Design:

    • Acquire proficiency in the design of screening and grit chambers, essential for the preliminary removal of large debris and abrasive particles.

  3. Primary Treatment Plant Design:

    • Dive into the intricacies of designing primary treatment plants, laying the foundation for subsequent stages by efficiently removing settleable and floatable solids.

  4. Trickling Filters Design Mastery:

    • Master the design principles of trickling filters, understanding their crucial role in biological treatment processes and the optimization of pollutant removal.

  5. Slow Sand Filters Design Expertise:

    • Develop skills in designing slow sand filters, and exploring the biological and physical processes involved to ensure effective water purification.

  6. Rapid Sand Filter Design Precision:

    • Gain proficiency in the design of rapid sand filters, essential for the removal of suspended particles. Explore key design parameters and backwashing procedures.

  7. Sedimentation Tank Design Strategies:

    • Understand the principles of sedimentation and optimize the design of sedimentation tanks for efficient solid-liquid separation.

  8. Sludge Treatment Design Skills:

    • Delve into the complexities of sludge treatment system design, mastering considerations for thickening, dewatering, digestion, and environmentally responsible disposal.

Who Should Attend!

  • Undergraduate Civil Engineering Students:
  • Undergraduate Environmental Engineering Students
  • Public Health Engineer
  • Waste Water Management Engineer




