Develop a Mobile Game

Develop a Mobile Game in Flutter/Dart

Ratings 3.41 / 5.00
Develop a Mobile Game

What You Will Learn!

  • Software development in Flutter/Dart
  • How to create a game


In this course you will learn how to create a game for Android using Flutter and Dart. The game should work in iOS as well, but we won’t test it on iOS. The game will be an arcade type game similar to Galaga. While learning how to create the game, you will learn a lot about Flutter and Dart.

Only minimal programming knowledge is required, like knowing what variables and functions and classes are. We won’t waste any time on history, installation and other boring topics, and we’ll stick to the important stuff. In this course we will go through everything that is needed to create this game.

The course will be divided into the following sections:

  1. Introduction and Background

  2. Getting Something On the Screen

  3. Multiple Aliens and Alien Movement

  4. Add the Space Ship

  5. Shooting Bullets

  6. Firing Missiles

  7. Scoring and Text

  8. Explosions

    • Alien Explosion

    • Ship Explosion

  9. Adding Sound

    • Bullets

    • Missiles

    • Alien Bullets

    • Background Music

  10. Alien Bullets

  11. Ideas for Improving the Game

During the course, we’ll spend most of our time coding. Everything will be explained and you will have access to all the code. You will also have access to a PDF file containing all the external links that we referred to in the course.

Your feedback is very important to me in order to improve this course in the future. You will automatically have access to any new or improved future content - forever.

If there is something that is not clear, please let me know, so that I can make a video explaining is. Because if something is not clear to you, chances are that it is not clear to someone else as well. And if you have any questions, feel free to contact me through the Udemy page.

Who Should Attend!

  • Beginner to more experienced developers interested in creating a game.



  • Mobile App Development
  • Mobile Game Development
  • Dart (programming language)
  • Google Flutter






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