Updated information about Webtoons and Print-On-Demand options.
This straight-forward course talks about what an author or creator needs to know about the process of self-publishing graphic novels or novels through CreateSpace/KDP, Amazon/Kindle, iTunes, Comixology, and other channels, as well as info about ISBNs, Copyrights, printing options, file formats, and much more. Templates and links are provided, including Purchase Order forms and Invoice templates, so you are also ready to make sales. Distribution and Marketing topics are also discussed and tips and tricks on pricing your books. This is a fun and easy-to-digest course that gives a lot of information in a short time, with useful tips and links to follow through with!
There are a couple of videos showing the products too, what books look like from different printers like Amazon, Ka-Blam, IngramSpark, and local printers. Updated videos at the end from 2024.
There is a video all about Webtoons that shows how you can publish on that platform and the formatting that you need to know. A template is provided.
Please note: Update regarding Copyright. You should submit your book to the US copyright office before printing or publishing so you can copyright your story and characters.
Develop your own intellectual property and potentially the next Superman, Spider-Man, Harry Potter, or Berserk. The rest is up to your imagination!