Disney Decades Club

A Complete History of the Walt Disney Company through its ten decades of existence.

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Disney Decades Club

What You Will Learn!

  • The history of Walt Disney and the company he founded
  • The challenges Disney faced during his lifetime that can be relatable to people today
  • That Disney is more than an entertainment brand
  • See How Disney sets an example for how a business evolves over time.


In 2023, the Walt Disney Company and everything it stands for (films, characters, theme parks) will celebrate its 100th anniversary, so what better way to celebrate the centennial of everything family oriented than to learn the whole story of the man himself, Walt Disney, the mouse himself, Mickey Mouse and everything that they have done together in ten decades than with this exciting new class?   

We will learn how Walt Disney started off as a boy from Missouri with a vivid imagination and how he used that imagination to create advancements in animation, feature films, live action, television and the theme park industries!  Along the way, we will see the challenges and obstacles Walt and his company had to overcome to get to where they are today such as an animator's strike and how people put him down for a pair of folly's that would become triumphs!!  Plus, you'll see how Disney continued to face challenges and obstacles in an ever growing and changing world and society long after it's founder passed away.

This class will be taught by me, Jeff Snyder, Autism/Neurodiversity Advocate, public speaker and bonafide Disney expert, so get your mouse ears, your magic wands and your imagination and get ready to dive deep into 100 years of not just a company, but a cultural phenomenon!

Who Should Attend!

  • Beginners and Entertainment Enthusists




