What is the course about?
The series of talks tackles the not-much talked about subject of divorce from an Orthodox Christian perspective, describing and reflecting on the past and present of the Church’s ambivalent attitude toward divorce, while also offering pastoral insights both on self-help and ministry to divorcees.
The key points covered in the course are:
What am I going to get from this course?
What is the target audience?
What are the requirements?
The only requirement for taking this course is having an interest,
either personal or otherwise, in the theory and practice of Divorce in
the Orthodox Church. The pastoral, canonical, historical and scriptural
information, laid out in an accessible fashion, will be helpful to
anyone interested in making sense of the Church's current practice. Sr.
Vassa also makes some practical, pastoral suggestions about dealing with
post-divorce resentments, for anyone ministering to themselves or
others after a divorce.