DIY Body Sculpting Program

Sculpt Your Body using the Laser Lipo Cavitation Machine in the Privacy of Your Own Home

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DIY Body Sculpting Program

What You Will Learn!

  • Learn What tools you need, how to use them and where to find them.
  • Learn effective techniques to body sculpting your midsection, arms, thighs, or anywhere you want to remove stubborn body fat.
  • Learn the best times to perform body sculpting and how often for the best results.
  • Learn how to adjust your diet and exercise for optimal health and the best results.


Laser lipo cavitation is a non-invasive cosmetic procedure that uses laser energy or ultrasound to break down and eliminate fat cells. The frequency of laser lipo cavitation sessions that can be safely performed on oneself depends on a variety of factors, including the individual's overall health and the intensity of the treatment.

Here are 10 reasons to getting Ultrasonic Cavitation & Cavitation with RF:

Use of sound waves to burst fat cells
Melts and liquifies hard to reach fat
Reduces fat, tightens skin to smooth the appearance of cellulite
Recommended 10-12 treatments
Requires little to no downtime with no risks
Causes minimum side effects
No cuts and no scars
No anesthesia is needed
Results occur gradually, so your treatments are private
FDA approved, non-surgical, no anesthesia

In a laser lipo cavitation class, a person can learn:

  1. Principles of Laser Lipo Cavitation: Understanding the science and technology behind laser lipo cavitation, including how the laser or ultrasound energy targets and breaks down fat cells.

  2. Treatment Protocols: Learning about different treatment protocols, including recommended frequency, duration, and number of sessions for optimal results.

  3. Safety and Precautions: Understanding safety guidelines and precautions to prevent adverse effects and ensure the well-being of clients during and after treatments.

  4. Client Consultation and Aftercare: Gaining knowledge on conducting client consultations, assessing individual needs, and providing appropriate aftercare instructions for post-treatment recovery and best results.

Who Should Attend!

  • This course is for anyone that is looking to remove stubborn body fat in the privacy of their own home.




