Docker Essentials: Installation to Container Orchestration

Master Docker from scratch with this essential course. Learn Docker installation on Ubuntu and container management.

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Docker Essentials: Installation to Container Orchestration

What You Will Learn!

  • Installing and Configuring Docker: Understanding how to install and configure Docker
  • Docker Container Management: Knowing the commands for managing containers and creating custom containers
  • Data Persistence: Understanding volumes and how to keep data persistent between container sessions
  • Debugging and Monitoring: Using tools and commands to troubleshoot issues and monitor container performance


Are you new to Docker and containerization? This course is crafted to guide you from the fundamentals to advanced topics, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of Docker and its applications. Whether you are a developer, system administrator, or simply curious about Docker, this course is for you.

What You'll Learn:

Section 1: Introduction and Environment Setup

  • What is Docker?: Understand why Docker is revolutionizing software deployment.

  • What is Ubuntu Server?: Learn about this popular Linux distribution and why it's a top choice for Docker hosting.

  • Installing Ubuntu Server on Windows Hyper-V: Step-by-step guide on setting up your Ubuntu Server in a Windows environment.

  • Docker Installation: Get Docker up and running on your Ubuntu Server.

  • Simplifying Workflows: Tips and tricks for making your life easier when working with Docker and Ubuntu Server.

Section 2: Mastering Docker Containers

  • Docker Pull: Learn how to pull images from Docker Hub.

  • Container Creation with Volumes: Master the art of persisting data in Docker containers.

  • Container Management: Understand how to start, stop, and manage your Docker containers.

  • Remote Shell Access: Learn to access and manipulate containers via remote shell.

  • Logs and Monitoring: Keep an eye on your containers with Docker logs and resource monitoring tools.

Section 3: Advanced Docker Commands

  • Docker Attach vs Docker Exec: Dive deep into container interaction methods.

  • Port Mapping: Unlock the secrets of exposing container services to external networks.

By the end of this course, you'll have the practical skills to effectively deploy and manage containers, leading to streamlined development, testing, and deployment processes. Take the leap into containerization, and master Docker with this comprehensive course.

Sign up today to gain these essential Docker skills!

Who Should Attend!

  • Anyone interested in learning about container technology as a step towards becoming a modern developer or system administrator.
  • Backend Developers: Those looking to containerize their applications for easier testing, scaling, and deployment.
  • Frontend Developers: Individuals who want to streamline their development environment, ensuring it matches the production setup.
  • Infrastructure Managers: People responsible for maintaining and scaling web application infrastructure who want to transition from traditional VM-based setups to container orchestration.
  • Linux Administrators: Those looking to adopt containerization as a method to manage applications and services efficiently.
  • Windows Administrators: People working primarily with Windows services but interested in leveraging Docker for cross-platform solutions.
  • Individuals who need to understand the capabilities and limitations of Docker to make informed decisions about adopting container technology in their organizations.




