In this course, you will learn and understand the technical details of domain-driven design, how to build a domain-driven design project from scratch, and the architectural concepts of DDD, which include:
Layering in DDD: designing several layers of DDD (Domain, Infrastructure, and Application Layers)
Domain models: identifying and designing domain models (value objects, aggregates, and aggregate roots)
Domain events: using the MediatR library to pub and sub for events
CQRS: separating read queries from the reads and writes
The Query Specification Pattern
SOLID Principles
If you are new to DDD or want an in-depth and hands-on understanding of how DDD works, or if you are a junior developer looking to move to a senior developer role, this course is for you.
I will also discuss the various architectures that have been used over the years, namely:
The monolithic architecture
N-Layer architecture
Clean architecture
In this course, you will be given several tasks to accomplish on your own. I am also available to answer any questions regarding this course.
I have also provided a link in the course to download the source code from GitHub, clone it, and work around it. I hope you succeed in your journey to DDD and other architectures, and I look forward to your feedback.