During these uncertain economic times it is so important to make sure you are spending your money in a knowledgeable way. If you can find a problem early enough you could make it a small problem rather than a large one. Protecting as many of your assets as possible is Paramount. So take the time to develop a good plan to maintain your home. I know we're not in control of our future but preparation is a critical responsibility.
This course is designed to help you develop a personal and maintenance budget. Every component of your home eventually will wear out. The intent of this course is to help you recognize maintenance items that you can fix before they become a big budget item.
Don't be sideswiped when a major problem occurs. Budgeting is most important. We will give you the necessary tools to do step-by-step. Look at your home and determine what needs to be done. It is important to remember that these reviews should actually be performed four times a year, spring, fall, winter and summer. The inspection sheet that is provided for you and information in the class will help you make sure your home is well maintained and when you're ready to sell there are no surprises.