Double Your Virtual Assistant Income with a Niche Skill

Reached an Income Plateau? Here’s a Step-By-Step Plan to Make More Money!

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Double Your Virtual Assistant Income with a Niche Skill

What You Will Learn!

  • Identify a high-paying and in-demand skill that clients want and are willing to pay top dollar for!
  • Learn how to target clients who are specifically looking for your in-demand skill.
  • Earn more money without working more hours!
  • Connect with your target client on LinkedIn by making one crucial change to your profile.
  • Introduce your new skill at a higher rate without losing clients.


As a VA, you’re selling your time and expertise. So if you’re maxing out all of your available time with client work, you’re making as much money as you can, right?

Not by a long shot.

The secret to making great income as a Virtual Assistant is "specialization." The riches are in the niches, and in this course, we'll identify a high-paying and in-demand skill that you can offer right away to bring in more income.

Although this course is presented from a Virtual Assistant point of view, the lessons within are great for any freelancer who wants to identify a skill that's in demand and worth top-dollar.


"Wonderful course, full of valuable information for growth. Thank you!"

"This course was amazing! Super helpful and I love the energy!"

What this course covers:

Together, we'll learn how to research and identify in-demand skills for VA's that are hot and will help maximize your income. We'll brainstorm services that you can offer now and access scripts to help you increase your rates (without burning any bridges).

You can get through this course in one-sitting and start implementing strategies to offer highly specialized skills today! In addition to lifetime access to course lectures, you'll also have access to:

  • a writable PDF to help you track and filter out high-paying skills,

  • a writable checklist to track in-demand services,

  • scripts to help introduce your new skills and rates to current (or new) clients.

Who this course is for:

VA's who want to earn more money and reach high-paying clients by offering a specialty, in-demand skill.

About the instructor:

I'm Erin, and in 2012, I was a burned out VA. I was frustrated because I assisted clients nonstop during the week, and capped how much money I could make. I had a choice: I could either continue to charge standard hourly rates and work full-time hours or I could specialize in an in-demand skill and make more money than I ever imagined.

Choosing a high-paying skill changed my business. Today, I offer my clients specialty skills like conference curation and event production. These high-paying skills allow me to make more money without working with a full client-load and I'm very excited to share how you can do the same for your own business.

I can't wait to see you in the course!

Who Should Attend!

  • Virtual Assistants who are struggling to make more income because they cannot take on more clients or spare more time.
  • Virtual Assistants who want to make more money without necessarily taking on more clients.
  • Virtual Assistants who are interested in finding and offering at least 1 high-paying specialty skill.
  • Virtual Assistants who want to double their income!



  • Virtual Assistant






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