Draw a Pink Rose in 5 Easy Steps.

Creating a Pink Rose with Pencil on Paper

Ratings 5.00 / 5.00
Draw a Pink Rose in 5 Easy Steps.

What You Will Learn!

  • Learning and analyzing the structure's proportions
  • Learn to understand the Intersection and Tangent points by drawing a line to create these points.
  • Understanding the Degree(180/ 90/ 45), and how to use it correctly
  • Understanding Distance, analyze the structure(copy, increase/ decrease, expand or reduce the structure size in different angles.
  • Analyze the Geometry Shapes


"Drawing a Pink Rose in 5 Easy Steps" is a course born from the idea of sharing experiences in creating artwork.

It's about engaging in craft, fostering self-pride, family pride, and even potentially building a business.

In this digital age, technology enables art creation through various tools. However, you can also create art using your own hands.

Training your fingers and your brain's physical coordination offers a different experience than working with digital files.

I'm here to guide you through the process of drawing, which will expand your mindset and help you realize your capabilities.

A straightforward approach that demands minimal equipment. No expertise is required either. All that's necessary are time, a pencil, eraser, and a surface like paper, canvas, wood, or concrete.

After grasping the concept (5 steps), you'll gradually gain the ability to initiate a new artwork independently.

This process is designed to empower you with pride and motivation for life's endeavors.

The 5 Easy Steps in this course serve as the fundamental building blocks of all existence on this planet. Upon mastering them, you'll realize your capacity to craft a masterpiece of fine art with your own hands.

Upon graduation, you will possess the capability to analyze structures, including buildings, before you. Once you've mastered the drawing basics, you can subsequently incorporate finer details such as various types of paint—oil paint, acrylic paint, and more—to enhance the value of your artwork. This could also raise the value of your art, particularly if you intend to establish a business.

Who Should Attend!

  • A person who is interested in craft work * drawing without AI




