In this test series, you will get 5 Mock Tests. They are AI evaluated and the score is released within 15 minutes. Once a studetn has enrolled , he/she needs to message me on udemy for the portal details. After that I will create account details for him and the same will be shared with him. You do not need to worry about privacy as you do not need to share email or Mobile details with me. Just message me on udemy for the portal details and wait for me to answer. I usually answer within 1 hour (except 12:00 - 6:00 AM IST).
You need to keep one thing in mind that account ( mock test portal) will be valid for only 2 months. You need to take all tests before that. After account has expired, I will not entertain any request to renew as there is no such option. Also, a test cannot be rest. Once you start a tests, you must complete it.
On udemy, we cannot conduct / provide mock test like real exam, so that is why I a provideing access to my portal.
Although there is no pre-requisite, you should know about the Duolingo exam., and if you want to elarn about DET, you can join my Advanced Duolingo course.