Ear Training for Singers and Songwriters PART 2

Develop your listening, singing and musicianship skills

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Ear Training for Singers and Songwriters PART 2

What You Will Learn!

  • Improve your music listening skills as you work through and practice multiple exercises
  • Identify intervals within melodies, chords and chord progressions
  • Practice singing in harmony and improvising your own melodies in a fun, unique way
  • Practice reading exercises designed to teach you every key as you practice
  • Practice hearing and singing root notes within the chord structure
  • Learn chromatic solfege and how to use it to your advantage when harmonizing melodies
  • Practice different types of scales and modulating from one key to another
  • Practice reading in different time signatures and meters
  • Deepen your appreciation of music, and how you listen to and understand it
  • Break through any creative blocks as you practice with the exercises in different ways
  • Learn and practice tools for harmonizing phrases and melodies at sight


This course is designed for students who have completed Sarah's beginner Ear Training course, or have a basic understanding of music theory, scales, chords, reading rhythms and intervals. In this course we will dive deeper into hearing, singing, harmony, playing major,  minor, diminished and augmented intervals, "listening low" for the bass line movement within simple chord progressions, and the intervals within chords.

We will practice many different exercises designed to develop your memory for pitch, and through weekly, focused practice sessions students will begin to develop a sense of "relative" pitch. The Solfege system can be a wonderful tool when harmonizing melody and writing songs, and to aid in teaching and training the ear to hear patterns and discover which chords work and why. In this course we use moveable solfege to teach those patterns as this is very effective tool for eventually working on 4 part harmony.

Sarah has composed and recorded multiple exercises at slow, medium and fast speeds, with and without guide notes, so that you can print out and follow the pdfs, listen to, practice and memorize patterns, and improve your listening skills at your leisure. The lessons can also be listened to on the go; while you commute, exercise, cook, and move through your day! The more you listen, the better your ear will become. Sarah is a published musician with piano repertoire books on Amazon. She has a masters in music, has taught for over twenty years, and her compositions and songs have been heard on TV and radio throughout South Africa and the US. She loves teaching people of all abilities, and believes in the power of music! Oh and in this course you'll be introduced to "Sarah Two" in a few videos. She will help you sing in harmony. PS Most of these lessons were written and recorded during 2020/2021 and Sarah didn't get out much! I hope you'll at least get a laugh from her antics.

Who Should Attend!

  • Beginner to Intermediate students who wish to further their knowledge of music theory and harmony
  • Students who wish to sight read and understand music harmony better
  • Music teachers who are interested in teaching theory and ear training to their students
  • Students who are interested in preparing for AP music theory courses
  • Instrumentalists who wish to sing and harmonize better
  • Students who with to improvise with their voice or at the piano
  • Students interested in composing and arranging, or writing their own melodies and songs




