Economics - Course Zero

Enter the world of economics and learn the workings of the economical system, the company and the market.

Ratings 4.50 / 5.00
Economics - Course Zero

What You Will Learn!

  • The basics of economics, necessary to start the study of this subject.
  • The definition of economics through the analysis of human needs, of economic resources and their scarcity.
  • The analysis of the economic system and it's evolution through time.
  • Introduction to business economics and political economics.
  • The definition of company and economical administration.
  • The basics of macroeconomics and microeconomics.


The Course zero in Economics will allow you to understand the importance and the goals of the study of economics by analyzing human needs, economical resources and their scarcity.

Economics analyzes the way a society utilizes its handiwork resources, raw materials and capital to satisfy the material needs of it's members, and the way the results of this activity are distributed among the members themselves.

Economics handles the allocation of scarce resources among alternative uses in order to satisfy human needs.

We will analyze the economical system and its evolution through time.

We will discover the two study macro areas of the economical system, that is to say business economics and political economics.

We will analyze both the definitions of company and economical administration, and the definitions of macroeconomics and microeconomics.

We will observe how economical administration is the activity to rule a company, or the group of various operations of all kind put in motion to guide the company toward the achievement of its goals.

We will learn to get to know the company as a system that interacts with the external environment, that is characterized to continous changes and adaptations, and equipped with control mechanisms.

We will see how political economics studies how to use scarce resources to satisfy human needs in a system with resources, capacities and variable productive possibilities.

We will analyze Macroeconomics, which studies how a nation distributes, amon various uses, constant quantities and qualities of productive resources.

We will analyze Microeconomics, which studies the economical behavious of families and companies according to a market logic set in a free enterprise economy.

Who Should Attend!

  • The course is aimed to anyone who would want to approach the study of economics without having basic knowledge on the subject.



  • Economics
  • Macroeconomics
  • Microeconomics
  • Business Analysis






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