Economics of Recycling and Ontario's Blue Box Program

Learn about the Economics behind Recycling and the Details of Ontario's New Blue Box Program

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Economics of Recycling and Ontario's Blue Box Program

What You Will Learn!

  • What is the purpose of recycling?
  • How recycling is funded
  • History of recycling in Canada
  • What happens after your blue box is empty?
  • How the blue box program began?
  • Summary of past blue box programs
  • Key details of the NEW blue box program
  • Concerns and impacts about the NEW program


In this comprehensive course on the Economics of Recycling and Ontario's New Blue Box Program, students will delve into the critical intersection of environmental sustainability and economic analysis. As society grapples with the pressing challenges of waste management and resource conservation, understanding the economic principles behind recycling initiatives has never been more crucial. This course will begin with an exploration of the foundational concepts of recycling, waste generation, and resource depletion, examining the environmental impacts of various waste management practices.

Ontario's pioneering Blue Box Program, which was recently revamped and expanded, will be a central focus of the course. Students will examine the program's inception, its evolution, and its profound implications for waste diversion and recycling rates in the province. Learners will understand the economic incentives and challenges of implementing such large-scale recycling initiatives, analyzing their effectiveness from both environmental and financial standpoints.

As part of the course, students will also assess the economic impacts of recycling industries, job creation potential, and how circular economy models can foster sustainable growth. By the end of the course, participants will be equipped with the analytical tools to critically evaluate recycling programs and contribute to shaping effective and economically viable strategies for waste management in a rapidly changing world.

Who Should Attend!

  • Those interested in effective recycling practices
  • Environmental Science Students
  • Sustainability Experts
  • ESG Professionals




