Elastic 8 is finally released. And so admins fear the breaking changes and new functionalities.
But no worries! - This course will help you getting started with Elastic 8.x.
This course will teach you on how to setup your elastic cluster by yourself to ingest monitoring data to it.
Also you learn on how to upgrade your cluster to a new version.
I will give you a brief overview on how to design a cluster as well as hands on examples on creating a cluster and ingesting data into it.
I will give you examples on how to create a cluster in Elastic using docker and ubuntu.
Also I will show you on how to ingest data with elastic beats and how to create retention policies for your data.
I also compare for you the changes between elastic 7.6 and elastic 8.x and show you what changed during this major release.
This course since elastic is bringing many changes in a short period of thime will constantly grow.
Topics like elastic logstash and way more topics are already planned and will be released soon - for free when you purchase this course. I will keep updating this course as long as elastic 8.x is the most recent version of elastic.
So with that being said - this is the course for everyone who wants to use elastic, kibana, beats...