Elixir Fundamentals - Prequel for building projects

Learn the basics of functional programming using Elixir.

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Elixir Fundamentals - Prequel for building projects

What You Will Learn!

  • In-depth coverage of Elixir basics and syntax
  • Learn about collections - list, keyword list, maps etc
  • Master the art of pattern matching - the very core of functional programming
  • if, else, else if and beyond that - cond, with - powerful alternatives elixir offers to avoid nesting conditionals
  • Functions, guarded functions, anonymous etc.


Embark on a transformative learning experience with my course, "Elixir Fundamentals - Prequel for building projects" This course is designed to take you on a hands-on exploration of the fundamental features that make Elixir a powerful and expressive programming language. Whether you're a beginner seeking a solid foundation or an experienced developer looking to deepen your understanding, this course is crafted to elevate your skills in Elixir.

I already have project based courses on Elixir but wanted to make one, for beginners. So here it is.

Basics: We'll start our journey by establishing a solid understanding of the basics of Elixir. I will guide you through the language's syntax, data types, and fundamental concepts, providing a strong foundation for the advanced topics ahead.

Collections: Dive deep into Elixir's powerful collection types, including lists, tuples, maps, and more. Learn how to manipulate data efficiently, employing the full potential of Elixir's functional programming paradigm.

Enum: Explore the versatile Enum module, mastering its rich set of functions to perform transformations, filtering, and other operations on collections effortlessly.

Pattern Matching: Unlock the true potential of pattern matching in Elixir. Understand how this feature simplifies code readability, enhances error handling, and makes complex scenarios more manageable.

Control Structures: Master control structures in Elixir, gaining proficiency in making informed decisions and managing program flow effectively.

Functions: Delve into the elegance of functional programming with a focus on defining and working with functions in Elixir. Learn how to create modular and reusable code.

Pipe Operator: Unleash the power of the pipe operator to compose functions in a clean and readable manner. Witness how it enhances code readability and simplifies complex transformations.

Strings: Demystify string manipulation in Elixir. Explore the various functions and techniques available for working with strings efficiently.

Date and Time: Navigate the complexities of handling date and time in Elixir. Gain insights into working with the DateTime module and managing time-related operations seamlessly.

This course will be purely hands on coding. No slides no nothing just you, me VS-Code and Elixir (iex) shell.

What say you?

Who Should Attend!

  • People interested in functional programming, real-time backend systems etc.
  • People who always wondered what happens if our in place algorithms result in corrupted data if it is changed along the way (Mutability vs Immutability))




