Elixir and Phoenix: Real World Functional Programming

The Next Generation Functional Programming Language and Web Framework (includes Phoenix LiveView)

Ratings 4.29 / 5.00
Elixir and Phoenix: Real World Functional Programming

What You Will Learn!

  • Use Elixir in proper functional programming way
  • Create high scalable web apps through Phoenix
  • Get STUNNING support - same day replies
  • Boost programming skills through a different mode of thinking
  • Think in terms of an alternative programming language


*UPDATE: Added section on Phoenix LiveView*

To become a professional level programmer, you need to learn different types of languages: Everyone knows Object Oriented Programming but few people realize they need to learn a Functional Programming language that scales well in distributed computing! Elixir is one such language. It’s a fairly young language but has gained immense popularity in the past couple of years — It’s the language of the future. Learning Elixir and its web framework Phoenix means you will be set for this high-demand job skill for the near future

In this course, we will start from scratch with Elixir and then move on to Phoenix -- the next generation web framework that is set to replace a lot of deployments of Ruby, Django, PHP and even Node. The course assumes that you’ve had some basic programming experience before. If you know a bit of Python (just the basics: if, while, for, lists, dictionaries and tuples) or Java, you’d be all set. 

This is a very applied course, so we will explain everything through the commands/code and not bore you with dull slides. In fact, there isn't a single slide in this course

In this course, we aim to give you the feel of the rhythm behind Elixir and Phoenix so that you are in the position to understand the philosophy behind it and use it to your advantage. Through this approach, we can cover the whole spectrum in less than ?? hours. We will quickly cover the fundamentals of the Elixir language (but not go into those concepts which are never used). Similarly, we will cover different aspects of Phoenix (see detailed outlines below for specifics) in a way that is both quick and efficient instead of spending many hours explaining simple concepts. 

Remember: The reason you pay for this course is support. I reply within the day. See any of my course reviews for proof of that. So make sure you post any questions you have or any problems you face. I want all my students to finish this course. Let’s get through this together.  

Who Should Attend!

  • Anyone who wants to learn functional programming to boost their programming skill and career
  • Those who want to learn the next generation Web development framework Phoenix
  • Those who want to find out what makes Elixir the next hot technology



  • Elixir (programming language)
  • Functional Programming
  • Web Development
  • Phoenix Framework






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