Confidence Decoded: Learn seven distinct categories of confidence blockers, transforming a high-level vague feeling of "not confident" into SPECIFIC actionable insights.
The term "confidence" is broad and often ambiguous, so in this course we cover 7 dimensions of confidence. A quick quiz allows participants to delve into shifting their own blockers. Thus even by taking the quiz, you are transforming those elusive feelings of "lacking confidence" into tangible, actionable insights.
By understanding and categorizing these blockers, individuals can move from a space of uncertainty to one of clarity and intention. Drawing on the revolutionary and science-backed Havening Techniques, the course offers a transformative path forward. These techniques, recognized for their potency, work on a neurological level, altering brain encodings -- dismantling the very roots of these confidence barriers. By using Havening, participants can uninstall these deeply entrenched unhelpful patterns and make room for new, empowering ones.
The course offers more than just theoretical understanding. It's a practical, hands-on journey towards truly embodied confidence. By the end, participants won't just understand their confidence challenges—they'll feel a profound shift within, a resonant sense of empowerment and self-belief.
Join Embodied Confidence and grow your felt sense of confidence -- in all seven dimensions.
Feel it! Live it! Be it!