Emotional Development: Stoic and Psychological Practices

Master your emotions with a few Positive Psychology - and Stoic Practices

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Emotional Development: Stoic and Psychological Practices

What You Will Learn!

  • Recognize the emotion's they feel
  • Use simple stoic practices to acknowledge emotions
  • Use of strategies to accept and counteract these emotions
  • Finding a sense of self
  • Understand the key factors of positive psychology
  • Use certain theories to better the immediate environment around you!


Master your emotions with a few positive psychology - and Stoic Practices

Positive psychology will consist of 4 theories to help you recognize your emotional pathways with practices. You will also receive a self-discovery practice.

For stoicism we will look at 2 stoics and then you will have a 2 year practice to do for controlling your emotions.

You will receive all this content compacted in an easy to understand method, where we address all the factors through an easy to follow presentation.  This course requires you to do a bit of work. We will handle on both psychological and philosophical subjects. To further you psychological levels and cognitive patters through both mind and theory.

This course will be a bit hard as it requires you to keep an open mind and to follow along as best you can. It will be a hard pill to swallow at times as it will cause you to self-reflect on a lot of aspects about yourself. It will cause you to look your fears in the face and rise above them. This will not be easy as it will be a psychological warfare instead of just some theory work.

I hope you will join me to take your first steps in a life long journey!

Who Should Attend!

  • People who struggle with their emotions
  • People who suffer from depression and seeking an alternative way out
  • Those who are curious about how to develop tools to face difficult situations




