Get to know what’s going on behind the scenes and beneath the surface of YOU! Become your own counsellor and life-coach, layman's style.
Is life getting you down or becoming overwhelming?
Do you find yourself repeating patterns throughout your life? Would you like to RISE ABOVE IT, redirect your life and learn what it takes to overcome your OWN life’s challenges now AND in the future?
Do you want to know HOW TO navigate life obstacles and be able to turn your life around when it gets tough? Are you ready to break the cycle and make a better life for yourself and those affected by the quality of your choices?
Is it time you put yourself first long enough to gain a few life changing skills that you'll have for THE REST OF YOUR LIFE?
Come learn skills and tools that are effective and designed exclusively for women and the way our female brain processes what happens to us and around us.
What's the story you tell yourself and others? By changing your story, you can make those changes a reality in your life. It's such a simple concept, yet it will change your life.
Are you taking responsibility for your life? It is easy to play the blame game, to hand responsibility for your woes off to someone else or a past traumatic life event, but that behaviour takes away your power to change your life for the better. We'll teach you how to cross over from negative focus to positive focus, and how that will cause positive changes in every aspect of your life.
Who's in control? Learn about the unconscious mind or your 'autopilot', and how you can use this knowledge to break cycles and build a better life.
Behind the scenes of you. We go in-depth into the different aspects that make up you - nature, nurture and epigenetics. Have you ever wondered why things such as depression, anxiety and addiction seem to run in families? We'll explain why AND how to break that cycle.
The Female Factor. As a woman, you've probably long ago figured out that we are far different to men (not better or worse, just different), but have you also figured out that the way we're told to be and the way we're taught doesn't take these differences into account? We will teach you that WOMEN ARE DIFFERENT FROM MEN, how, why and what you can do to optimise your life USING those differences.
Sabotage or supportive? The language you use with yourself and when talking to others directly affects your mood, your aspirations, your self-image and what you allow into your life. When you use negative language such as "can't" you are creating a self-fulfilling prophecy - you will ensure you can't do that thing. We'll teach you how to change your language to ensure you CAN do anything you want to.
The power of 'subtle' body language. Your body language reflects outwardly how you feel, but did you know it can be used in reverse, to instantly change your mood? We'll not only teach you how you can quickly and easily shift your mood using your body, but we'll bust some myths you may be familiar with.
Have you ever watched a man 'zone out' watching something mind numbing on the television, and wondered how they can just do nothing for so long? We call this their 'nothing box', something women have SUCH a hard time replicating, because our head-chatter never stops. We will teach you a powerful and simple technique to unwind and visit your own nothing box at any time.
Activate instant calm. We all have things happen in our lives that overwhelm us and cause us a period of anger or frustration. This is absolutely natural and normal, however, the longer the period you stay in that negative state the more stress you're placing on yourself and your life. We'll teach you a simple, quick and easy method to bounce back from these moments and get on with your day.
Change your environment. How many 'self-help' courses have you attended, books have you read, YouTube videos have you watched, but you're still repeating the same behaviours? Here you will learn one of the most important things to lock in change for good.