Enhance team member performance

Team work. Collaboration. Improve Efficiency

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Enhance team member performance

What You Will Learn!

  • Improve your team's performance
  • Manage conflict between team members
  • Understand the dynamics of your team
  • Understand yourself as a leader


At the end of this course, Team Leaders / Supervisors will have acquired knowledge and skills for improving their team's performance.  It is intended for all persons who need to learn how to better apply knowledge of self and team when planning for overall team improvement. This can be team leaders, supervisors, coaches, and managers in business, sports, or any other field.

The course is applicable for teams that are: 

  • Not communicating well

  • Not working well together

  • Clashing / competing in an unhealthy manner

  • Not clear about what they need to do and achieve

The course is broken up into 5 easy to follow modules.  The following topics will be covered: 

  1. Module 1 - Understand and Develop yourself

    - Team leader's understanding of own strengths and weaknesses will be discussed in this module.

  2. Module 2 - My role in the organisation

    - Some team leaders do not have clear guidance of where they fall in the organisation. This could be a reason why they are unable to lead as well as they could.  This module addresses the issue and provides team leaders with guidance for how to find their place in the organisation and how they relate with other departments.

  3. Conflict resolution strategies

    - An issue that affects team performance is their inability to solve problems between team members.  I.e. those clashes that lead to people not wanting to work at the full potential. These issues are identified and team leaders are given guidance for how to resolve them and create stronger teams that perform efficiently. 

  4. Team dynamics

    - Often team leaders do not understand how to maximise the differences between team members and get the 'most out of their team'.  In this module, we look at practical ways that the leader can do improve dynamics for long term results.

  5. Develop an action plan to enhance team performance

    - The last module focuses on the development of a detailed and practical action plan for moving forward.  The team leader can use this to monitor improvements made to the whole team's performance. 

Who Should Attend!

  • Course is ideal for people leading teams in organisations, business or clubs.




