ESP32 WIFI Lessons

ESP32 WIFI Commnunication on TCP, UDP, Http, WebSocket, MQTT and ESPNow

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ESP32 WIFI Lessons

What You Will Learn!

  • ESP32 WIFI Communication on UDP
  • ESP32 WIFI Communication on TCP
  • ESP32 WIFI Communication on Http
  • ESP32 WIFI Communication on WebSocket
  • ESP32 WIFI Communication on MQTT


This course focus on ESP32 WIFI communication based on the following protocols: TCP, UDP, Http, WebSocket and MQTT.

All the code has been tested on ESP32_idf_sdk_ver4.4.1. In the videos, we use the command line compile environment to compile and test the code.

(1) For TCP,  we discuss the ESP32 lwIP socket TCP work stand flow from both the server side and the client side. And demo how to communicate ESP32 device with the computer TCP server software or the computer TCP Client software.

(2) For UDP, we discuss the difference between the TCP and UDP, and compare the work flow of UDP with TCP work flow, and also we program the ESP32 device with UDP code, demo it how to communicate with PC UDP software.

(3) For Http, we discuss every detail about the Http protocol, including http get, post, put, request methods, and demo how we run the code on ESP32 board to get web page data through the different methods from internet.

(4) For WebSocket, we discuss why we need the websocket and the websocket data format, and demo how the websocket work from the websocket server, the websocket script and the websocket client.

(5) For Mqtt, we discuss the Mqtt protocol, and demo how the Mqtt works on ESP32 from the client and server side.

(5) For ESPNow, we discuss the espnow protocol, data format and demo how to send, receive and broadcast data by using espnow.

Who Should Attend!

  • People who are interested in programming ESP32 WIFI software based on ESP32 idf SDK.



  • ESP32






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