Ethereum - Hands-on Blockchain Experience

Experiment with Smart Contracts and Tokens

Ratings 4.74 / 5.00
Ethereum - Hands-on Blockchain Experience

What You Will Learn!

  • You will understand how Ethereum actually works.
  • You will see and understand the details of transactions, blocks and the proof of work algorithm.
  • You will get a brief introduction to the Solidity programming language for smart contracts.
  • You will get your hands on Solidity, the No. 1 Ethereum programming language.
  • Create your own tokens on the Blockchain.


You already heard about Blockchains and Smart Contracts, and wondered how this actually works?

You know that Ethereum somehow is made for Smart Contracts?

This course will take you to the next level.

It will teach you the details of Ethereum transactions, blocks, the mining process. In addition, you will have video tutorials guiding you step by step to deploying smart contracts and creating coins or tokens. All code examples are available for download.

Your lecturer, Prof. Dr. Markus Weinberger, is an experienced professor at a German university of applied sciences.

Who Should Attend!

  • This course is for you, if ...
  • ... you are courious to have a look under the hood of Ethereum.
  • ... you want to try smart contracts and Solidity programming yourself.
  • ... you want to start digging into the technology in order to become a blockchain developer.
  • ... you want to be qualified to discuss Blockchain Technology and Smart Contracts.



  • Blockchain
  • Ethereum
  • Solidity
  • Smart Contracts






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