Experiential Learning and the Art of Asking Good Questions

Reviewing and facilitating experiences and discussions

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Experiential Learning and the Art of Asking Good Questions

What You Will Learn!

  • Facilitation skills
  • Facilitation games
  • Asking good questions
  • Reviewing experiences
  • Reflecting on experiences
  • Team building strategy


Would you like the skill to facilitate valuable discussions? 

In this course you will be introduced to a process with accompanying questions you can use to review and facilitate discussions around experiences. There are four phases to this process, with a possible extra phase, each with a variety of question examples that can be used as is or adapted to the specific situation. This course also includes a variety of games that can be used for team building, leadership workshops or even just plain fun! These include games for an icebreaker, to get to know one another, to facilitate values and communication, identify leaders and consolidating a day, workshop, course.

People who would benefit from completing this course include teachers, educators, managers, leaders, pastors or any other person who regularly interacts with small to large groups of people. The games and knowledge and skills gained from this course can easily be used in a school setting as well as in a work environment, but it is not limited to these types of groups. You would be able to also use the skills and questioning methods you are introduced to in this course improve your own communication skills in a variety of environments. Furthermore you will also be able to more effectively reflect on and make decisions about any personal situation by applying the reviewing process explained in this course.

Who Should Attend!

  • Teachers
  • Pastors
  • Managers
  • Leaders
  • Lecturers



  • Facilitation






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