Create a 6-Figure Business FAST using Law of Attraction

Combine Law of Attraction with Practical Strategies to Create a Your 6-figure Business.

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Create a 6-Figure Business FAST using Law of Attraction

What You Will Learn!

  • Discover the mindset shifts required to create a 6-figure business income
  • Learn how to step into your 6-figure CEO self
  • Clear the unconscious money blocks that are keeping you from your 6-figure business
  • Design your ideal 6-figure business so that it lights you up and energises you
  • Practical strategies for creating and maintaining a 6-figure business income
  • Master practical business basics to protect your cashflow and profit
  • Have a simple strategy in place to take the emotion out of price rises
  • Have a step-by-step action plan in place to keep up the momentum so your business can grow to 6-figures and beyond.


Are you a soulful business owner wanting to take your income to 6-figures?

You already KNOW you're headed for 6-figures but it's time to make the journey smooth and joyful.

... maybe you've been stuck on 5-figures for a while, butting your head against that 6-figure income ceiling.
... maybe you feel like you don't have the money or time you need to take your business to 6-figures.

... or maybe you feel like you're lacking the support or knowledge on HOW to make it happen.

Imagine if someone could give you a roadmap...

A part of you already knows that all the above will take care of itself...  as soon as you figure out how to upgrade your mindset so your business can follow...

If this is resonating with you, then this is the course for you right now.

Reaching that 6-figures in your business, especially for a heart-centred woman sometimes feels like an impossible stretch.
But it's not as difficult as you think!

You see, you don't need to do anything different... you simply need to start doing things differently.

Join Manifesting Mentor, ex-Finance Professional & Hypnotherapist Miriam Castilla as she takes you on a journey to help you manifest and attract a 6-figure income into your business by knowing how to tap into the power of your unconscious mind and leverage Law of Attraction - then marry it with simple business strategies.

By the end of this course you will know how to: 

✔️ Become more magnetic to money so your income can flow

✔️ Know how to become the 6-figure CEO version of you
✔️ Have a roadmap for your plan.

✔️ Uncover the fears and limiting beliefs keeping you stuck and RELEASE them to zip past 6-figures

✔️ Work with the power of your unconscious mind to create a 6-figure income

✔️ Ensure your money system is ready to receive all that beautiful income and have the basic business strategies you need in place to ensure you can control your costs, protect your profit and maintain your gorgeous cash flow.

✔️ Master simple strategies for taking the emotion out of increasing your prices.

✔️ Create a solid plan to ensure you keep up the momentum so you can continue to manifest more money and abundance into your business, taking your income to 6-figures and beyond.


This course is perfect for all heart centred women in business including coaches, authors, creatives, graphic designers, web designers, social media managers, copywriters, women in online or work from home business, reiki practitioners, oracle and angel card readers, healers, psychics, clairvoyants, kinesiologists, energy & spiritual healers, naturopaths, craniosacral therapists and all types of women in business who are spiritually minded, practically focused and seeking to grow their business to 6-figures.

If you’re ready to take your business from 5 to 6 figures with the Law of Attraction so your business can thrive, then sign up today!

Who Should Attend!

  • Heart-centred women in business who wish to clear their money blocks, attract more clients and heal their relationship with money so they can take their business to 6-figures



  • Personal Development
  • Personal Finance
  • Mindset
  • Manifestation and Law of Attraction






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