Better in 30: Facilitating Successful Hybrid Meetings

How to make the most of a "mixed meeting" with happy participants and great meeting outcomes

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Better in 30: Facilitating Successful Hybrid Meetings

What You Will Learn!

  • Recognize what makes a hybrid meeting more complex than in-person or virtual meetings
  • Identify the 3 criteria of successful hybrid meetings
  • Understand 5 biases that can impact your meeting outcomes
  • Prevent and manage technology challenges
  • Plan the meeting to set it up for success
  • Facilitate an engaging hybrid environment
  • Ensure post-meeting alignment/accountability


Welcome to Better in 30: Facilitating Successful Hybrid Meetings!

In about a half hour, you will learn how to make the hardest, trickiest, and often the most frustrating kind of meetings -- hybrid meetings -- simpler, better, and more effective for the facilitator AND the participants.

In theory, a hybrid meeting is the best of both worlds: in-person participants get to engage in face-to-face collaboration and connection, and online participants get to attend from anywhere, without having to make a special trip into an offer.

In practice, a hybrid meeting is often the WORST of everything. In-person participants miss a lot of what the online participants want to contribute, and online participants often feel minimized or left out entirely.

In this course, you'll learn how to minimize the challenges of hybrid meetings while maximizing the mindsets, behaviors, processes, and tools that will set you and your meeting up for success.

If you're wondering:

  • Why are these meetings so challenging?

  • What do I do if the technology fails?

  • What if the meeting gets off track?

  • Can I really get people talking to each other?

  • Can a hybrid meeting really leave people feeling satisfied that important work got accomplished?

Then this course is for you!

In this course, you will learn:

  1. What makes hybrid meetings complex?

  2. 3 criteria for successful hybrid meetingss

  3. 5 biases that can impact your meeting outcomes

  4. To prevent and manage technology challenges

  5. To plan the meeting to set it up for success

  6. How to facilitate an engaging hybrid environment

  7. How to ensure post-meeting alignment/accountability

(And yes -- all in about 30 minutes!)

Please join me!

Who Should Attend!

  • Professionals who facilitate (or participate in) hybrid meetings



  • Facilitation
  • Meetings






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