Professional facilities management as an interdisciplinary business function has the objective of coordinating demand and supply of facilities and services within public and private organizations. examples include real estate property, buildings, technical infrastructure, lighting, transportation IT- services, custodial, grounds maintenance, HVAC and other user-specific equipment and appliances. Maintenance, testing, and inspection schedule are required to ensure that the facility is operating safety and efficiently in compliance with statutory obligations, to maximize the life of equipment, and to reduce the risk of failure. The work is planned, often using a computer aided facility management system. As humans, we occupy space, and we are accustomed to our spaces working for us, not against us. We need these areas to be safe, function, and comfortable. Your facility management team is responsible for the overall well-being and functioning of the entire facility.
Employees are not the only ones who suffer from poor facility management. Customers notice things, too, if buildings are in bad shape, equipment breaks down more often than it works. Orders can get delayed, the quality of your products and service decreases. Their user experience will not be as good as it should be. soft facility management focuses on people and organizations. It includes services that create a more comfortable, healthier, safer, and visually appealing environment. common examples includes waste management, cleaning services, space planning, landscaping, pest control, building security etc. If you cannot remember the last time your building's assets and equipment have been updated, chances are there is room to invest in more efficient models.