Factory act - 1948,

Health, Safety, Welfare, Hazardous process provision

Ratings 4.50 / 5.00
Factory act - 1948,

What You Will Learn!

  • Details information on Health and safety, welfare, process related to hazards process provision of factory act 1948
  • Sessions in Hindi language and applied on all states chapters and sections
  • Expert in Factory act 1948
  • you can apply to every state


Factor act 1948

This course cover the Factory act 1948 , Health and safety part provision of factory act along with welfare of workers provision and provision related to hazards process, After completion of this course you will well versed with the knowledge of said provision. The course content covers in presentation form with using color coding and attractive manner. Said provision covers  Chapter 3rd, 4th, 4thA and 5th of factory act 1948. After completion of this course, you can apply for any state (Chapters and sections for all states are same but some parameters will change as per state).

The course is explained in simple hindi language. After this course you  will able to give any interview questions related to the factory act 1948. If you are a safety professional or working in any industry this course is helpful for you.

Course overview

In Factory act 1948 -

total 11 Chapters

120 Sections.

we cover chapter 3rd - Health provision ( Cover section 11-20)

Chapter 4th - Safety related provision.( Section 21- 41)

Chapter 4th A- Provision related to hazards process (section 41A- 41H)

Chapter 5th - Provision related to welfare of workers. (Section 42-50)

In this course each sections is describe in easy and simple language.

Who Should Attend!

  • After the sessions you will gain a vast knowledge about Factory act 1948 provision related to health and safety and process related to hazards process, Welfare. easily able to answer all interview questions related to factory act 1948, apply state rules and easy to understand every state factory act rules.




