Fail Forward! How To Use Failure as the Key to Success

Overcome Adversity and Turn Setbacks into Comebacks with Mindfulness, Meditation, and Gratitude

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Fail Forward! How To Use Failure as the Key to Success

What You Will Learn!

  • How to Get Motivated Again After a Setback
  • How to Overcome Adversity and Make Your Struggle Your Superpower!
  • How to Learn from Failure: How Failure Can Help You Grow
  • How to Model Self-Confidence & Channel the Best Version of YOU!
  • How to Find Your One Thing and Your Passion and Promote Yourself as an Expert
  • Tools for Transformation: How to be the Phoenix Rising From the Ashes
  • Includes a Course Workbook, Introductory Module + 6 Course Modules and 6 Meditations


Welcome to Fail Forward! Each Module has 2 Parts: Part 1 is a Mindfulness Meditation Video, and Part 2 is a Video that Contains the Slides.

  • Are you an entrepreneur, or someone needing support and guidance?

  • Have you suffered a career or life setback?

  • Would you like some valuable resources for reframing failure?

  • Do you need to boost your confidence?

  • Is your level of stress, impacting your life or your business?

  • Would you like to discover new ways to find your sweet spot and be more comfortable presenting yourself as an expert?

Mindfulness can help. It turns out, mindfulness isn’t just another hot trend, it can actually help you embrace failure and be a better entrepreneur. This course can help you channel your best YOU and get back the confidence you need to get back out there!

A setback can be an invitation and a blessing in disguise if you view it that way. In this course, we will discuss ways to regain your confidence after a career setback and how to use it as a launching pad to your next best opportunity!

Module 1: Getting Motivated Again After a Setback. This module is all about finding your self-confidence again after a setback. Find your purpose again as you gather the energy to start fresh.

Module 2: The Detour is the Path: How to Maintain a Positive Attitude and Learn from Failure. This module is all about embracing adversity and learning from failure as you learn to progressively fail your way to success. Tune into what makes you authentic and learn how to move forward. This module can also help you find joy in difficult times.

Module 3: Tuning into that 2.0 Version of YOU: Attacking Your Self-Esteem Gremlin. This module gives you the tools you need to fight off that self-esteem gremlin and feel more confident and worthy of success as you step into a New YOU!

Module 4: The Secret Garden of the Mind: Using Mindfulness as a Superpower. Explore the secret garden of your mind and turn your struggles into your superpower. In this module, you can also practice a grounding and centering exercise to help you regain your strength.

Module 5: Modeling Maximum Self-Confidence: How to Flip on the Confidence Switch. This module can help you flip back on the confidence switch after a setback or failure. This wonderful session can help you see yourself as that happy, confident, successful person you know you are.

Module 6: The Phoenix Rising from the Ashes: Why Failing Forward is The Secret to Success. The phoenix is a powerful symbol of transformation. In this module, you can tune into the energy of transformation and learn how to fail forward and make failure a valuable learning tool. You also develop the skills to face your fears and rise above challenges.

Who Should Attend!

  • Anyone Who Has Been Through a Setback and Wants to Find Ways to Get Themselves Back Out There
  • Anyone Who Wants to Learn How to Fail Forward!
  • Entrepreneurs Looking for a Way to Promote Their Unique Gifts
  • Anyone Who Needs a Little More Confidence!




