Follow your passion and you’ll find your purpose. Sounds easy right? But what if you don’t know either? It can often make you feel hopeless and despondent.
And so, the Figure Out Who You Are, When You Don’t Know Who That is course helps those who are struggling with understanding who they are and what their passions might be, figure those out so as to live in truth and embrace possibilities!
This course will provide you with five strategies that will boost your courage and confidence by helping you understand who you are, recognise the greatness within you, but more importantly how you can harness that greatness to create a life that is fulfilling and impactful.
The course will provide you with five strategies that will:
Teach you how to begin to get reacquainted with yourself which in turn will help you figure out what you want.
Provide you with a simple, yet powerful and easy to use accompanying workbook for you to engage with as part of the programme so as to optimise your learning experience.
Boost your courage and confidence by helping you recognise the greatness within you, but more importantly how you can harness that greatness to create a life that is fulfilling and impactful.
The five strategies discussed are tools that certified integral coach, Akunna Ethel Onwu, has tweaked and perfected over the years through her work as a certified integral coach and mentor which many of her clients have used to help them discover who they are.