Financial Abundance - How I made my first million

How to become an Entrepreneur and Fix your mindset

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Financial Abundance - How I made my first million

What You Will Learn!

  • The root of negative beliefs around money and success
  • Transform your relationship with money
  • Master the Energy of Money
  • Learn how to be in reality with money
  • Master the cycles of money


This course will help you change your mindset and let go of what is holding you back in business and in life.

- We will discuss delegation, your relationship with money, how to keep track of your finances, how to master the cycles with money.

- Surrounding is everything. Let's examine your surrounding and how your immediate circle affects you. Then, we will discuss how you can hang out with successful people and where to find them in your city. 

- We will discuss psychological aspects of success and weed out limiting beliefs you have about money and wealth. 

- Mental debts are often in the way of our success. If you owe money to someone or someone owes money to you, there is a lot of energy tied to this. We will talk about broken promises that effected you, either by your parents of friends and let go and forgive.

- We will discuss business ideas, how to choose one and apply in your life. The amount of energy you have shows how successful you are. In order to succeed, it's so important to be active.
The course will have a lot of practical exercises, so you can apply everything that you learn here.

Who Should Attend!

  • Entrepreneurs
  • People who want to start their business
  • People who like to grow and succeed



  • Personal Success
  • Personal Finance
  • Delegation






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