Financial Accounting Bite-Sized

Understand non-intuitive concepts of financial accounting with easy to understand examples

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Financial Accounting Bite-Sized

What You Will Learn!

  • Learn how to record transactions, do journal entries
  • Learn how to build a balance sheet and an income statement
  • Explore different inventory valuation methods such as FIFO and LIFO
  • Analyze account receivables, bad debt expense and write-offs
  • Overview of depreciation methods such as straight line depreciation, double declining balance
  • Practical examples of Bond Amortization
  • Build and Analyze Statement of Cash Flows


I have been teaching Financial Accounting in different universities over the last 12 years. Over the course of my teaching career, I realized that accounting may not be intuitive for some students and the textbooks may need some additional explanation with easy-to-understand examples.

With the examples explained in this lectures series, I have been getting positive feedback from students. This prompted me to write a short, hopefully easy to understand book that will complement what you are learning in financial accounting classes and make it easier to learn Financial Accounting, the language of business.

If you are someone like me who understands from video lectures + understands quantitative concepts with real examples, this course if for you.

We will start from scratch and build our way through more complex concepts. You will learn

- Building blocks of accounting i.e. journal entries

- How to build a Balance Sheet and Income Statement

- Uncover key concepts of bad debt expense vs. write-offs

- Review FIFO vs LIFO inventory valuation methods

- Understand depreciation and how it is calculated

- Understand bonds and bond amortization

- Go over examples to build statement of cash flows using indirect method and direct method

I am hoping to have you understand all these seemingly complex concepts with bite-sized examples.

Who Should Attend!

  • This course is designed for students who like to learn by examples. Accounting can be counter intuitive. This is where the power of this course comes in where we explain concepts with easy to understand examples




