Everyone wants to have a comfortable financial future and be able to meet their family’s future financial needs / goals. Without any doubt everyone hopes for that. But how many of them plan and work towards the same? It is unfortunate that how many of them, first of all know how to prepare a financial plan and work towards the same?
Schools and Colleges provide them excellent education to earn good amount of money, but nowhere it is taught how to manage their money to live well today and plan for their family’s good financial future.
Personal Financial Planning solves this problem. It helps you and your family to live well today and ensure your family’s good financial future.
Financial Planning is based on the fact that every individual has certain basic financial needs to meet at various stages of life such as getting married, buying assets, creating funds for children’s higher education, daughter’s wedding, and for a comfortable retirement life.
To have a financial plan, you don’t have to be mega-rich or to be old and approaching retirement. It does not matter how much you earn or what your age is.
Financial planning enables you to develop strategies to achieve all your financial needs / goals and deal with unforeseen needs that may arise in life.
The best part is that it ensures right amount of money is available at the right point of time in the future to achieve life goals.
The flow of this course is designed for easy learning and clear understanding through step by step simple approach. It is like learning a, b,c, d…., no fuss.
I have prepared a Financial Planning booklet in pdf format, and the charts in excel sheets for you to complete your Financial Planning for your family.